
OK – this may not be the best poem in the world but we’re hoping you’ll get the jist of it???  There’s a limit to what a gorgeous little collie can produce??!!

Invest in BlipFuture here.

There was once a young doggie called Molly
Who was so ever so jolly
She started to BLIP
Which was ever so hip
Blipping dog?  But she is a collie.

Collie’s are clever and collie’s are cool
And Molly will BLIP every day as a rule
An obsessive collie, addicted to BLIP
Is far better news than a collie who’ll nip! 

5 years she’s been BLIPPING
5 years she has posed
5 years full of memories
5 years have arosed!

So why is BLIP special for a collie like Moll?
It’s ‘cos memories she’s made, she now can recall
Saving our BLIPS & preserving the site
Is a misson we’re on now, & it feels just right.

The community of BLIP; the people are great
We’ve met more than 20 who now are a mate
BLIP is so special; we’ve created a bond
When Polaroid took over; we felt we’d been conned.

We’re proud of our journal at Polaroid BLIP
And have saved it all on Darrens BLIPRIP
But we don’t want to lose it
Want the BLIP site to quit
Please keep it going; or else we will flip.

Collies are clever and collies are cool
Molls is adorable and has not been to school
If there’s ever a reason to sign up to BLIP
Just look at her BLIPBLOG and join us real quick.

5 years of our life
5 years we have saved
5 years of addiction
5 years we have raved or even ranted??!!

So why is BLIP special and what can we do
Pledge some dosh, support BLIPFUTURE too
BLIP is fantastic, BLIP is just great
BLIP is amazing, don’t leave BLIP to fate!

Everyone loves BLIP; a huge part of our life
Fabulous for recording all our trouble & strife
Please help us save BLIP.  Don’t want it to end
Please pledge what you can & to BLIP please, please, send.

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