And Some Crittergators in a Pear Tree

Save Blip! We can do it!

I joined Blip in December of 2011, at the urging of a friend I have not met yet, who lives in Ireland. I had just bought a new camera, and she suggested we BOTH join Blip, just for kicks. And so we did.

And four years later, here I am! I have been Blipping steadily since December 15, 2011. I have not missed a single day. Every photo that is posted here was actually taken on the day that it represents in my journal. I've met all kinds of interesting people. I've learned a lot about photography.

This Blip thing has been a labor of love. Those who've been Blipping a while know the story. On the best days, the hardest part is just picking a single photo from a bunch of beauties. Oh, the tyranny of the single photo each day. And then in 2015, we got the extra photos, which made that part somewhat easier.

But on the not-so-great days, it can be a challenge to come up with a single one! And that is how the Crittergators came to be. I am an outdoor kind of girl, and it was an indoor kind of day. I couldn't think of a single thing to Blip, and so I set up my own little tableau, featuring the little green dudes who - with their little red ladybug friends - went on to become the Crittergators.

In that first photo shoot, the Crittergators were guarding some M&Ms. They went on to capture a well-known Tabbycat, star in Crittergator Park, and have many other wonderful adventures. They gamboled about a Stonehenge made of Jello, discovered ancient cave paintings, and explored the relatively unknown Daffodil Temple at Abu Simbel.

But it did not end there. The Crittergators were joined within that first year by the Dancing Girls, a couple of fuchsia blooms that looked to me like pink-clad ballerinas. And so, on Blip, I indulged my sense of whimsy. The Dancing Girls went on sledding adventures. They explored the Arboretum on their trusty Cat-Steeds. They got their first apartment.

You could say that we grew up together. Though according to my husband, Blip is bringing about my second childhood. Why does he say that like it's a bad thing? And also, he adds, beseechingly, "LOOK what you've DONE to my VEGETABLES!" (Sheesh! Everybody's a critic! And by the way, a pear is a FRUIT!)

And now, our dear Blip, the place where we all came to life, where we all became real, like the Velveteen Rabbit, is in danger. We can save Blip if we are willing to help pitch in. A crowdfunding effort is underway. If that doesn't work out, the Crittergators, the Dancing Girls, and I will all go up in a puff of smoke! POOF!

Nobody wants that to happen, do we? It's a wonderful place to be; we want to keep Blip going! And so here's the link to the crowdfunding site. Save the Crittergators. Save the Dancing Girls. Save my life. Save yours too. Oh yeah, and keep on Blipping!

Happy New Year! Let's hope Blip is still here when the next new year rolls around!

The soundtrack: Elton John, Someone Saved My Life Tonight.

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