Crazy About Birds

By Kimb

Hermit Thrush

This morning I wandered past the windowed door thru which I often - more often than not - photograph birds.  And I glanced outside - as I always do - just in case there's a bird on the stone bench having a bite of the buffet. And I did a double take. Because there was my favorite Winter visitor! This is the first sighting of him since he disappeared early last March sometime, and I was actually beginning to wonder if he'd show up at all as long as the weather remained as mild as it's been. But here he is! And he was there again later in the afternoon! I'm very very pleased to see him. Last year there were two of him - at least two - I did see two at the same time once or twice last Winter - maybe more, who knows? Anyway - he's a Hermit Thrush, he breeds in forests way up north and spends the Winter down here in the south. We have hundreds of Juncos who do the same; scores and scores of White-throated Sparrows, who also do the same; millions of Goldfinches, Cardinals, Blue Jays, Chickadees, etc. etc. etc. who live with us year round... but only a mere handful of these sweet things have I ever seen here. I am beyond thrilled to see him (or her, I suppose) again! He clearly knows where he is - and came back for the lovely food he knew he'd find here. I'm very chuffed that he's back. I think this is the third, maybe the fourth year he's spent the Winter here - or at least since I first saw and identified him.

I am also pleased because what I saw when I glanced out the window was just basically a brownish silhouette - he was standing in a shadow - but I recognized his shape immediately. That showed me that am getting better at seeing and identifying birds at a quick glance, by the way they stand, the way they hold themselves [see how he holds his wings?] - and that pleases the heck out of me. I've noticed that when we go on our walks I'm getting better at identifying the birds high up in the trees without even having to zoom the camera in on them to see them better - just by recognizing their basic shape, say. So anyway. I was pleased today - with this bird, and with myself.

Meanwhile, things apparently went pretty well with yesterday's big push for pledges - the fab four were pleased - but we still need to PLEDGE!! Don't stop now. Please.

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