A great service at church this morning, despite the technology not always working as it should - but actually, we don’t need technology to worship God - we need to “JUST DO IT” as our interactive reading pointed out!

After the “accident” last week, it was good to see and hear Susan playing her new guitar - she is my extra photograph today.  Hopefully, her old guitar will be mended, so she will have a spare too, but she is obviously very happy with her new one, as you can see by the smile on her face. 

However, I wanted to take part in the Derelict Sunday challenge, so we went up to near Liddington Hill where we knew we would find something derelict.  Mr. HCB thinks that this container, which has wheels, was probably a muck spreader in its lifetime but amongst all the brick, wood and slates that have fallen it looks very sad.

BUT, despite the dereliction all around, you will notice a few green shoots - a promise that however awful a situation seems, there is HOPE.  Perhaps many people are feeling despondent at the moment because the future of Blip is hanging in the balance;  those of us who have pledged are hoping that we will be able to carry on during 2016 and beyond and we need to keep that hope alive.  Do visit this website if you haven’t already done so and pledge to do just that.

“Hope is the power of being cheerful 
     in circumstances that we know 
          to be desperate.” 
G.K. Chesterton

P.S.  For an excellent summary of what is happening right at this moment with regard to the future of Blip, have a look at this Blog written by a fellow Blipper. 

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