We have had a lovely day today when Pam, AKA Turnx3 on Blip, and Roger, her husband  came to visit.  They had been visiting relatives in various parts of the country for Christmas and New Year so stopped off on their way home to France for lunch and a catch-up chat.  They had come in the summer of 2015 with their daughter, Jen, when that had only been a short visit, but today they stayed much longer.

Pam had suggested going out to lunch, but as our house was decorated for Christmas, and those decorations will be taken down soon, I thought it would be better if we just stayed in and enjoyed one another’s company and we did.  I feel we all got to know one another a little better - learned more about each other's families, and it was great!

However, my main concern was that they would see lots of dust around, not having done any housework since before Christmas, so when they arrived, I asked if they would wear the dustbusting glasses which meant that dust was invisible, and also asked if they would mind being my Blip for today.  I think that Roger was then fully convinced that I was completely mad - but as I always say, better blipping mad than miserable!

Here are Pam and Roger very sportingly wearing their glasses with Mr. HCB in the background holding a duster and of course, a can of Pledge - which brings me neatly to my plug for Blipfuture.  If you still don’t know what it’s all about, then have a look at this website.  If you want Blip to continue, please pledge as much as you can and do it as soon as possible, as time is of the essence.

For those who don’t see Blip as a caring community where you can make friends, then today must dispel that notion - Pam and I met through Blip, have continued our friendship through messages and email and Mr. HCB and I really enjoyed her company and Roger's today.  

I can promise you, Mr. HCB did not do any dusting - mind you, now they have left on their way home, he is doing the clearing up in the kitchen, while I get my Blip sorted.  What good sports and great friends - that’s what Blip is all about!

A strong friendship doesn’t need
     daily conversation or
          being together.
As long as the relationship
     lives in the heart,
          true friends never part.

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