As a Christian, at the beginning of a New Year, I am really grateful that God knows the plans he has for me because actually I haven't got a clue what is going to happen during this year. 

I am also grateful for friends who give me wonderful gifts to help me put my thoughts down on paper. The book is a birthday gift from a friend in Pakistan and the front cover is engraved with the text from Jeremiah 29 : 11 

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, 
“plans to prosper you and not to harm you, 
plans to give you HOPE and a FUTURE.”
That is so reassuring to me, so thank you Marylou, for reminding me of that.

The beautiful fountain pen was given to me for Christmas by my son and daughter-in-law, who know I love writing, and there is something about writing with a fountain pen that can never be matched, even with an expensive ball point pen and I do have one or two of those. 

In fact, last night I used it to write lots of “Thank You” letters - I know it’s old-fashioned to write, rather than text or email, but it was a pleasure to use this beautiful pen and I think the recipients will be grateful.

I'm also hoping that I will use this book throughout the year to journal some of my thoughts and actually, although I can type very fast, as I always tell my children, it's sometimes a good discipline to write things down.

At the bottom of each page is an encouraging Bible verse, so when I write, I can meditate on that - so a really useful book.  Of course, this will have to be fitted in around my colouring, taking photographs for my daily Blips and housework - well the last activity can be overcome by leaving my dustbuster glasses near the door and putting them on each time I come in!

Thanks to Osuzanna for hosting the Mono Monday challenge this month; if you haven’t already made your blipPledge then please look here to see what you need to do - we only have until 11th January - or to see a great Blog that explains everything, have a look here. 

Today is not just another day,
     it's a new opportunity;
          another chance - 
               a new beginning. 
Embrace it!

P.S.  My extra photograph shows the front cover of my new journal - yes, it’s pink - and as my lovely friend said “Something to go with the pink robe and slippers” and for those who know me well, you will understand what she means!

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