
By Bom

Seed capital

Thanks to Osuzanna for hosting today’s Mono Monday challenge on BEGINNINGS.  I decided to photograph seeds which are the beginnings of plants.  They also represent the seed capital needed to get our new company ‘blipfuture’ started.  For those who haven’t pledged and are still considering it (I appreciate not everyone can afford it), I thought I’d include the doubts I had and why I personally decided to pledge and am passionate about the community’s future:

Too few people are pledging to reach the amount needed
- If I take action, it will be one investor and pledge nearer the total needed.  
- If not me, then who?

I might lose the amount invested
- Yes I might, but we’ll definitely lose blip if we don’t take the risk.  And how much is blip worth for me?  
- I can afford it as the average pledge seems to be c£100, this is less than the cost of one cup of coffee out a week for a year.  

I’ll wait to see what others do 
- The key meeting with the owners on feasibility seems to be coming up in the next week or so.  If it’s not deemed feasible, the plug will be pulled.  Each and every pledge helps.  
- If not now, then when?  Will that be too late to save our community?

Too few people might subscribe to make it viable
- That’s possible, but it will be our company, and we will all try to make it a success.  Just think what each investor introducing one new member each year could achieve. Just imagine how popular blip could be with dedicated blippers at the helm.

For what blip means to me see
Thanks for all the lovely comments, stars and hearts I received for this blip – just amazing!

“It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped”
Tony Robbins

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