A preferential seat

I know there's no pink colour in this picture but it's my favourite of all the shots I took today. I like the contrast of the old (the statue of philosopher David Hume) with the young (a kid playing with a game on his mobile phone). How this kid managed to climb on that statue is a wonder!

This kid must have allegedly taken a preferential seat to see the parade in the Royal Mile today led by 400 pipers!! This parade followed the ceremony held at St. Giles Cathedral today where Prince William was installed as a Knight of the Order of the Thistle, which can only be bestowed by the Queen herself. This event is part of the celebrations marking the Queen 60 years on the throne. If you want to know a bit more about the order of the Thisle click here.

This particular event actually made me late for work this morning because it took me ages to get through the crowds. In any case, I was only a few minutes late.

But this event was not the most important thing of my day today. The most important thing for me today was to meet a good friend of mine who I hadn't seen for fifteen years! I met him for a couple of drinks and a bit of catch up after work today. Good feelings about the past came back, and I really enjoyed meeting him. He used to be a photographer, but for different reasons he stopped taking pictures. He wants to go back on track and I wish he does. He's considering trying Blipfoto. I hope it makes him rekindle his interest in photography!

Other than that, my working day was average with a tasting of a whisky cocktail at the end. And it didn't rain!!! :)

Thanks very much for all your great comments! I hope you all had a good day! :)

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