Moggy blog

Here is Perşembe. First blipped on 22nd January 2015, still living feral and likes it that way.  She has however, been in the flat daily in my absence last week (according to neighbours) - not surprising in view of the super cold and piles of snow - an open window to warm must be irresistible.  Now that I am back she is continuing to visit for a snack and a snooze in the warm and Elizabeth and Caroline don't seem to mind.   Meanwhile, Harry was taken very poorly last week and so my friends took him to the vet where he stayed until I collected him yesterday.  He seems ok, but is clearly in need of some extra special TLC and tuna.  Charlie however, has not moved back in since leaving me again in September - preferring to live the life of the free spirit - he belongs to no one but is thriving in his kingdom on the other side of campus  (I get regular updates from colleagues). 

Hear endeth the moggy blog on this otherwise nothing special day of very heavy and particularly wet rain. 

Meanwhile:  the latest from Blipcentral is here 

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