Happy Friday

I'm 'over the moon' with this shot, I can't stop grinning and looking at it - its my first manual shot, stright out of my little camera and I'm stoked! I used the tripod so I could get real close and didn't need to crop.

Happy Friday brought a little bit of sun which felt good, some clouds and now the sky is darkening but I'll just think about the sun. Daughter E has been baking, chocolate banana cake, russian fudge and hokey pokey - yum!
Daughter A is flying in late tonight for the weekend - wow a great Friday.

And now its the weekend - what a great day. I'll leave you with the tiny silver eye, they are quite a bit smaller than a sparrow, in fact the apple looks huge no wondering hes sizing it up!

Try it in large :))

Have a great weekend everyone :)

Oh yes, many thanks for your wishes regarding my eyes, today has been an awesome day! It's a bit of a roller coaster some days are good and others are bad but today was really really go0d - hope it continues :))

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