Tussock Tales

By TussockTales

Howling at the Moon

Do dogs do this? Well The Boss says that Coyotes apparently do and there is some evidence that Wheaten Terriers may as well. But as The Bossess yelled from the bedroom that The boss should bring a camera there was not a sound heard. Well except for The Boss bringing his camera of course and the sound of the window being opened AND then the usual clack clack clack of the camera doing it's bracketing thing! This was pretty early in the day so If The Bossess hadn't looked out that window, which is normally covered with blinds at that time of the day then it would have been lost.
So let's hear it for The Bossess .....
I spent most of the day bored.
Well there was the morning when The Boss got his jacket out and my hopes soured BUT then he went to U3A instead.
U3A Eh. Well that stands for "University of the Third Age" i.e. old. The system is however great as here in Wanaka we get top academics from Dunedin giving presentations on a huge variety of subjects. The current series is Earthquakes which will run for 4 weeks at 1 lecture a week and is extremely popular. So all the old dogs are out there learning new tricks and having a great time doing it. The Boss learnt today that our Alpine Fault that runs right through the South Island Alpine areas has had a major quake every 300 years and the last one was 300 years ago. Oh goodness I am going to have my house under the stairs checked out asap. I can remember one of the bigger Christchurch quakes (last year) as The Boss was sitting chomping on a sandwich and apparently I GROWLED and then things shock a bit and the doorbell rang. That not because there was anybody there but the pipes banged together. So I did a bit of barking then as well to cover all angles. Oh yes Christchurch is a long way (about 450K) from Wanaka.

Right then. The moon was over the Roy Range which is to the South West of the town at 8.30 am. I don't do moon howling at that hour it's just not socially acceptable.

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