A Heron Revisit

My window into the world of the herons is shrinking. While the trees holding the nests are dead...the surrounding trees are both growing and leafed out...narrowing my view. Now, I'll have to decide if I want to trespass. Since it is government land...I have visions of a big guy named Harold or Butch pulling off my fingernails...if they catch me.

The space in the nest also keeps shrinking as the chicks grow. If you put it in LARGE, you can just barely see a 3rd beak behind the neck of the chick on the right. The babies were all doing the neck thing. Imagine a man or woman gurgling some Listerine. That's what it looks like the herons are doing...without tipping their head back.

Perhaps it is their way to battle the heat. It is 99.8 F here, and the nest is so exposed to the flaming sun. Makes you wonder how Mom ever gets the babies enough fluids to survive.

If I have to change from outdoorguy into indoorguy...at least there's some good sports on today. I just watched the semi's at Wimbledon, and now am flicking between the Tour de France and PGA golf. Maybe I'll try to work in a little General Hospital. HAAAA!!!

Just hit triple figures. 100 degrees. We are supposed to have a storm come through Saturday night that arrives with some lower temps. Sounds good.

A couple more shots on my flickr page.

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