In My World

By JoanneInOz

Love the ones you're with....

Dear Mummy and Daddy,

I asked if I could be blipped today. I know, I'm very brave, but I've been blipped before and I know it doesn't hurt a bit, and I knew that you would be missing me, because I'm missing you....

I look out the door every time I hear a car, just in case it's you, and when you didn't come home last night, I had to be a big brave girl and sleep on my own....which I did for a while, but when I woke up and you weren't there, I cried.....

And guess what? I got to sleep in the very same room for part of the night with, wait for it ~~ Queen Phoebe! I know, is that crazy or what? She was actually very nice to me....yeh, I don't get it either. She must have known how much I missed you....

And this morning, boy-oh-boy, was I a good girl, or what? I found an anti, mousey, catty, birdy big white pill in a chunk of mince, and I said, "Hang on a minute, that shouldn't be in there," and I spat it out on the floor. But when I was told it would fix something-or-other, I just ate it, and then they said "good girl" to me, and I got lots of pats and hugs. They were so pleased with me, so I know you will be too!

Tonight, I ate all my dinner. I really was very hungry, because today I helped mow the lawn, and read books, and brought back the blue bouncy ball every time it ran away, and looked after Queen Phoebe and Miss Tibbs....

And now I'm soooooo tired.....*yawn*......this blipping stuff is really hard work!

I hope you are both having lots of fun at that Noosa place. I'd give you both big sloppy licks if I could, but I was told "Forrest, don't bother trying, even your tongue couldn't reach that far", so I'll save all my best sloppy kisses for you for another day. And while you're not here, I'm loving the ones I'm with.....

A great big High-Five from your Ever Loving Fur-Baby, Forrest Puppy.

PS ~ I asked for a photo with my blue bouncy ball too, so there's an extra photo as well....

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