
but not kicking - yet. Amadeus that is. We had a really rough night. Not much sleep for us on the dogs' payroll. And today as the carpets had already been taken off the floor as precaution, it was a good time to execute an extensive cleaning operation. Not everything was washed but a lot was accomplished. I'll wait for few days and clean bathroom and kitchen sink then. I think it's already cleaner than when we arrived, but since we've been living here for 5 weeks almost free, so it's only fair to give something back. We'll also be leaving some of our stuff to their garage once again... 

Amadeus has been doing better after a rough night. Today he's gotten some rice bowling water to drink. Or I gave it to him with a needleless syringe. Later today we´ll try giving him a little bit of that rice I boiled to get the water and perhaps some bite of tuna in very small portions. He's had two slow and short walks. He's doing fine, but goes to sleep right after that. He's really exhausted but does get excited for a short bit if something good happens. The best thing is that this morning was the last time he passed blood, and he's peed long two times during the day, so he's not dehydrated. We've done something right. I'm expecting him to be a lot better tomorrow.

Sorry for all the TMI!
Another good guard dog sign!

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