Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat


Well after yesterday's phone woes, when The Boy got up and I was still grumbling, he helpfully told me which to buy.  We were due to head out of town to visit friends in the afternoon so we headed up in to town early.  5 minutes in O2 and I had my new phone, 10 mines later the number transferred to the new sim.  I just then had to ride out the 1 hour bus journey before I could plug it in and charge it.

Had a lovely afternoon of cake, kitties and silly games.  Cheetah posed in front of the fire whilst Ghost ran around being impossible to photograph (moving solid black object in low light!).  It was lovely catching up the M & H.  They made delicious pork wellington and roast veg for dinner (who knew you could use pork tenderloin instead of beef).  Some very old port and some very fine whisky was enjoyed before we had to make our way back home.

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