Rudy Returns!

Dear Diary,

I have not seen Rudy at the feeding table yet this season but finally, here he is!  He is probably preparing himself for the storm today.  After our mild temperatures on Sunday with torrential rains and winds, the temperatures fell dramatically and snow is predicted to begin around 3pm this afternoon.  An even bigger storm is predicted for Saturday so maybe we are finally settling into a more typical Maine weather pattern.

Frankly, I was enjoying the lack of shoveling but I also knew it was too good to last.  A trip to the grocery store this afternoon to be sure Emerson and I have everything we need then it is just settle back and see how bad it gets.  Nothing we can do to change it so it is best to try and enjoy the transformation to the landscape.  It can be quite beautiful.

I'll be sure the birds and squirrels are well fed too but they seem more equipped to deal with things.  They don't sit around wishing things were different...they just get up and live their life dealing with whatever comes their way.  Very wise my little friends.

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