Back to School!

I have been debating for ages whether or not to sign up for a course with the OCA.
I like studying - always did! - and want to have something worthwhile to do with my time.
Even more worthwhile than Homes Under the Hammer and Facebook and half-hearted housework!!
Inspired by looking through other students' learning logs online - in particular, fellow Blipper Peahen's - and chatting to the ever inspirational Damnonii I decided to take the plunge.
Mr K has been doing a Masters in Computer Sciency Engineering for about twenty years since Miss E was born. These things take time apparently!
So I'm going to join in!
I think I'm going to do Photography and Creative Writing. You can do standalone modules or work towards a degree. 
This morning my box of urgent educational material arrived for my first course which is Creative Arts, a general introductory arts course.
Now, of course, I am flipping out - wishing I hadn't signed up, worrying that I haven't got time/can't do it/don't want to do it!
Ha ha, It's what I do! I'll be fine.
Once I've opened the box.
But first I have to tidy up the dining room so I have a place to work.
Orderly house, orderly mind.
So I'll be starting in June then!!!

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