The Remains of a Coffee Morning

It is somewhat comforting to find, when  two of my schoolmates came for coffee this morning, that my memory lapses with names and sought after words is not my failing alone and that we all shared them. As one of us suggested, it is unlikely that all three of us are suffering from  Altzheimer dementia.

Having removed that burden, we were free to talk about the days when we stood up to sing God save the King, we had a King's Park in Edinburgh and trams ran from Morningside to Portobello and places in between. We marvelled at the fact that people who don't remember these things are now retired and technically OAPs.
There were many of our classmates in those heady Merchant Maiden days of our youth remembered and their lives to date discussed.

All the while, the sun shone through windows newly cleaned, and not a single snow flake fluttered to earth as we nibbled at pancakes baked by Lee Anne's Mum and spread with homemade jam made by another friend.
It is friendship that makes the world go round whether or not there is a King or Queen sitting on the throne.

PS being a sucker for sunrises and sunsets, I give you a sunset over my first school on Bruntsfield Links

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