
It was nice to see the sun this morning. And the frost. Everything looked so sparkly!
When I dropped Miss L off this morning she started sobbing because we'd forgotten to bring in her donation for the Bring & Buy sale this afternoon.
She'd sorted out two books last night. 
Two books out of all the books, toys, dolls, teddies and plastic tat she has. Just saying!
She was so upset that she I had forgotten to bring them in that I promised her I'd go and get them and bring them in.
What a kind Mummy I am!
It turns out that she thought she needed to bring something to the Bring & Buy sale in person before she'd be allowed to buy anything!
They were very pleased with their treasures when I picked them up. Miss E bought a pink sparkly flashing tinkling massive plastic dressing table. Marvellous! And a singing bird in a cage. And a tin tea set.
The tea set is nice!!
Miss L has soft toys because the poor lamb really doesn't have enough and a Dora dancing DVD.
I must give them fewer coins next year!!
Pick up was fraught. I got cold watching Miss E play lacrosse, she got even colder, I had to wait hours for them to collect their bags and wrestle all their new tat belongings up to the car park, Miss L dropped Miss E's birdcage and broke it and then ran off crying even though Miss E was surprisingly reasonable about it! 
But we got home eventually, into the warm. I made a delicious chicken balti while Mr K dealt with the Little Misses.
Now we are eating the curry and watching Downton Abbey. Rock and Roll Friday night!!

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