Sunrise in Panshanger Park

Peter & I set off not long after he'd dropped our children at the bus stop, in order that we could catch the sunrise over the first lake in Panshanger Park. I blipped almost the same view on Wednesday but today I was an hour earlier and the colours were entirely different/better. 

The ground underfoot was crunchy this morning and I am getting stronger, so today I was able to walk much much further in only 10 minutes longer. We took the newly opened Oak Trail to discover the Great Oak planted by Queen Elizabeth I. Its massive! But more on that when I blip it another day when it has better light on it. Peter was happy too as we saw a cormorant, a heron, lots of coots and perhaps a hundred ducks.  

Then it was home for a shower before I was picked up and taken to one of Anthony's school friend's mum's houses for lunch - a lady I'd met but very briefly on the side of a rugby pitch just before Christmas. She hosted the lunch so that as a new mum I could meet the others. How kind. Not only that, but I was offered a lift there by another mum I barely know, who knows I can't drive far yet after my op and I was driven home again by a third. These gestures lead me to search out my quote for Philosophy Friday:

Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around. - Leo Buscaglia.

I have appreciated a multitude of kindnesses whilst I have been struggling with my back and recovering from surgery; kindnesses coming from further afield even than the close family and friends who've cared for me at home. I've appreciated warmth and assistance ranging from these new acquaintances, to you my supportive blippers, and to a couple of special friends who check in with me every day (or two days) to see how I am. I feel very lucky indeed.

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