Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

I got a strange call this morning

As I was getting ready to take my walk to the post office and the take the bus into town for a nice chatt and tea with some photo friends, the phone rang. That's not unusual, though, but the caller was. He spoke English and blabbed about being from a company called Techno-something and that he was going to help me with my windows-something computer. He didn't get the chance to say all that he wanted, because I just said that I didn't have a windows-something computer, bye! And then I ended the call. Later, at the coffee place, I asked some of my friends about the caller and was told that it's a scam that consists of them getting access to my computer and then passwords and other stuff. I never would grant anyone remote access to my computer! And especially not some strange person calling, without me calling their company first.
The coffee with my friends, old and new ones, was fun as always! At one moment I was telling a story for one of them and saw that two cameras were pointed at me and I heard click click click click. That's the hazard... there's a lot of photographing going on at these meetings.
Hope everyone is having a nice weekend!

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