Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

My walking companions

Yes, here they are. And today I was a bit extra happy to have them with me. My blood sugar dropped like a stone when I was half way home, and you all know how that feels, right? I know now that my small water bottle should be with me on every walk, even if the weather looks cool and cloudy. It wasn't, it was cloudy and sticky with almost no wind.
Tomorrow I hope that I'll get the answer to the questions I asked you last Tuesday but I have some thoughts of my own. I would never be as high up as the mountain climber, but I believe that you can find yourself in situations that at first feel as impossible as the blinded lonely climber on an ice wall - perhaps not as impossible as his situation, but I think you get how I'm thinking? :)
Sometimes I've found myself in situations I at first thought would be impossible to solve. I panic at first, but then calm down and assess the situation. After breaking down the problem and try to find a solution and then work from that point. If I had a friend in the climbers situation, well, I actually have a relative (my fathers cousin's daughters son) that climb mountains, so if he called and wanted my help I would ask him to take one step at the time and focus on getting down the ice wall first. One problem at the time and the most urgent one first.
The question about landing a Boeing upside down... well, perhaps it has to do with trying new things and breaking patterns. Perhaps, I don't know. I'll tell you tomorrow. :)

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