Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

A weird photo

This photo shouldn't even have been taken, but it was, by accident. I thought it be a good representation of how I feel this grey and rainy day.
A bit broken hearted today, but that to will pass.

As I told you in yesterday's blip I would tell you the answers to the questions I presented you with last Tuesday. I was a bit grumpy when I came to the job coach office, because I'd gotten a call from my job coach half an hour before our appointed time and she told me that she was ill. This was 9.30 in the morning and they start their day at 8 o'clock. Her boss then called me 20 minutes before the meeting and told me the same thing. I, on the other hand, have to report a day ahead if I'm ill, not fare! I was already in town and on my way so my job coach and I decided that I would have contact with her college at the office and she would start the movie for me, so I could watch that until finished. It got solved, but I thought that they could show me a bit respect and not tell me last minute.
Anyway, the questions! According to the lecturer in the movie the US air force once tried this (landing a plane upside down) and what they discovered was that the angle an airplane usually land makes it difficult for the pilots to actually see the landing strip. So, they turned the plane, and there it was! This later lead to some changes in some airplanes. That's all I know about it, perhaps someone knows more.

As for the mountain climber, he got down safely by motivating himself - screaming to himself that he could do this and that he'd done it so many times before - and taking one step at the time. The lecturer, who knows this guy, was told that it took 17 hours to climb down.
And, his climbing friend was alive and waiting for him at the camp. Happy reunion. :)

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