Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

It's getting crowded! :)

Took a peek in the orange-lemon pot today and wow! I think all of the seeds are growing and the once I before thought was lemon seed, was another orange seed! The pot is getting crowded. I'll have to move them soon, but I don't want to do it to early, it might do more damage then good. Not the best of photos though, I'll do better next time. There are two orange plants and three lemon plants. One of the lemons is really small, but it's there! :)
I've also seen that 'my' apple tree has got a lot of apples! One other advantage to walk by it every other day, except for the obvious reason of exercise, it that I get to know when they are ready to be picked. And, naturally, I'm planning to plant seeds from those to. It's nice to se the seeds grow. :)
Not the best of weather to walk in today, but it was nice to get it done. It was raining a bit, but I didn't get all that wet. I guess I walked myself dry. Well, from rain anyway... ;) I did bring water this time but didn't need to stop. I'm ready for a longer walk now. :)

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