Mono Monday - Tradition

Didn't need any shopping today  so I stayed indoors until it was time to walk to my slimming club.  I had a list of jobs to get on with but in the end didn't cross many off my list.

Wasted a lot of time this morning on the phone to my energy supplier.  When I get up I usually just glance at my smart meter as I pass it and this morning when I looked it was showing a total of £5.76 for the day so far. Bit of a shock -  even with the heating on and other stuff my daily total at midnight is always less than £5.76. So I phoned E-ON.  Went through a checklist of pressing buttons on the smart meter and checking the readings on my gas and electric meters.  According to the chap on the phone my meter readings are correct - its just the smart meter which is having a blip.  So I have had to unplug the thing, place it near my electric meter and wait 24 hours.  Then plug it in again.  Press a button .... and it will re-boot and start working properly again.  Well that's the plan. Hopefully after a little rest it will be ready for action again.

Lost 1½ pounds this week at slimming club.  Great feeling to lose weight two weeks in a row.  Lets hope this trend continues. I have only 5½ pounds to go to reach my target weight.  When you reach your target you can attend group for free. That will save me £4.65 a week so that's an extra incentive.

The Mono Monday challenge today suggested by osuzanna  is Tradition.  My blip shot shows my tin of matcha and some I prepared ready to drink.  I don't have it hot - just whisk a small amount into cold water and drink it down in one - coz it tastes aweful.  Matcha is a super concentrated green tea powder - one serving is the equivalent of 15 cups of regular green tea. My daughter used to work for a tea company and encouraged me to try matcha for its health benefits.  Last year I drank it now and again - when I remembered.  However this year I resolved to have it every day.  So far so good and I have stuck to my plan.    The Traditional Japanese Tea Ceremony centres on the preparation, serving, and drinking of matcha. Blends of matcha are given poetic names called chamei  ( tea names ) either by the producing plantation, shop or creator of the blend, or by the grand master of a particular tea tradition.  It can take up to one hour to grind 30 grams of matcha which is one of the reasons its quite expensive.  The 30g tin in my shot costs £25 - and it will last 30 days.  I don't prepare my matcha in the traditional way  but hopefully I will  benefit from its anti-oxidant properties in the long run.

Great news from BlipCentral. If you haven't read  THIS take a look now.  Its all sounding positive.

Steps today - 6,429

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