Balloons, -20c and 20pm

Hi there, blippers!

We have had a nice, even sunny day, -20c in the morning, few decrees warmer in the evening. Lovely winter day, I walked my ways to work and back home. 

And I visited my dad in the evening in the ceriatric ward. We had a nice evening, he was in joyful mood.  His memory is in terrible condition, but still he remembered me very good (and he even recognized me as myself again, not as my grandmum as he sometimes has done). I also have to wonder how clever he still is, even if he does not remember things!

As I came back and changed bus in the centre of the city, I was tempted to capture few views, as the city was so tranquill, sleepy and icy already at 20pm ;). 

Arriving home, I decided that it is time to make ice-lanterns. In the blip there is my lantern factory, as today I got a new beautiful idea and style for that.

Next night will be very cold, even -40c in northern Finland again, we will have the same -20c, so my lanterns will be manufactured fast!


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