Office Clear Up

Finally I got round to finding my missing paperwork to allow me to complete my tax return. Unfortunately what could have been a five minute search turned into a half day office clear out!

Frustratingly after methodically searching through every storage box and file in the bookcase - and three sacks of recycling / shredding / rubbish later - I opened my Castle box of press cuttings and books to file away a magazine only to find two folders with neatly filed payslips, invoices and receipts for the tax year 14-15!!

How on earth they ended up in there I cannot tell you. It was a fairly logical place to put them really but I don't remember putting them there. But I guess it wasn't a wasted afternoon as I've had a major sort out and started the ball rolling for filing all my freelance work and press cuttings that I've been meaning to do the past two years!

Amongst the boxes of old magazines, press releases, CDs of press images and even videos of old filming projects, I found a large box of photographs spanning university days, my placement year at Sunseeker and my early days after graduation at Toyota GB press office.

It's hugely therapeutic having a good clear out and I feel quite reflective after looking through a few of my old photos this evening. I might be brave and use some of them for Blips in the coming week.

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