Time Idling!

Another lazy day! I had the best of intentions but somehow they never got implemented! Had thought of Cotehele and snowdrops but the weather put me off so Iazed around instead! I did play with macro, and I actually cooked myself lunch! I decided to sign up to Hello Fresh and receive a box of fresh ingredients for 3 vegetarian meals each week and the first one was delivered thursday, all packed delightfully in a box with ice bags and compostable sheep wool layers! I love food and cooking but am really bad at allocating time to cook and am fed up with the same recipes that only change with the season! Plus I am a terrible food waster - things get hidden in my fridge and slowly turn mouldy! This way I  get allocated portions with new recipes to try out! Today it was Roasted Butternut Squash and Red Pepper with Bulgar Wheat, Pine Nuts, Rocket and fried Halloumi and it was delicious! 
Once I had eaten I had the energy to unpack my bags from my Dorset holiday - yes, I came back friday , but seriously, no time! Happy time on the allotment closing chickens and weeding before another macro play! I have not quite sussed it out and think yesterday was more successful but I  am having fun! Tomorrow I must practise drawing as it is my class tomorrow and I have not picked up a pencil since the last evening class so will be similarly crap at it! But if it is a nice day i have a feeling the snowdrops will call to me and I  have tulips to be planted -if they have not turned into dried husks in their bags! Where does the time go?! 

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