An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Groundhog Day...

Went to the optician this morning for the third (might be fourth) time in my quest to get my lenses right.  I've been wearing mono vision lenses for about a year but feel I'm getting the worst of both worlds in that they're not great for distance when I'm driving and not great for close up when I'm reading.

I am now on my third (maybe fourth) lot of trial lenses, this time they are multifocal lenses (lens version of varifocal specs)  The optician was convinced these would solve my problems.   Have they?  In a word - nope.

So back today to tell her what I said at my first appointment back in the autumn, that I want distance lenses for both eyes and I will get reading glasses to tackle the close up issue.

After battling through wind and torrential rain to get there (the hood of my new parka is very cosy.  Unfortunately when it's up it not only covers my head but my face as well....right down to my chin!) the optician discovered I'd been given the wrong set of multifocal trial lenses.  The multifocal lens should have been for my right eye only but I'd been given them for both eyes.   She's stumped as to how that could have happened.  Cue rigid smile from me.

She is now going to order me the correct left lens to wear with the multifocal right lens, and distance lenses for both eyes so I can try them both and make a final decision, which means a fourth (or maybe fifth) visit back to the optician.

Those of you still following this, pour yourself a glass of your favourite tipple and give yourself a well deserved pat on the back.

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