Big long walk Thursday

I think I must be the luckiest little collie dog in the whole wide world.  In the last five days, I’ve been on four big long walks.  Yay!  I LOVE big long walks.

Today we went to Crantock.  Crantock beach is massive when the tide is out.  And the tide was out today.  Yay!

First we walked over the dunes to West Pentire, then we walked down a little lane to Porth Joke and came back to West Pentire via the coast path.

Then I got to go down on to Crantock Beach (see extras) where I was allowed to splish & splosh & splash in all the rock pools and roll on stinky things and swim in the sea and play with other dogs.  It was such fun.

And after almost two hours, I was sure I’d be going back to the car.  But do you know what Ann said?....................  She said, ‘Molly, it’s such a lovely day.  Let’s walk up one side of the Gannel Estuary and then walk down the other side.’

Best laid plans and all that……………….

Instead of walking on lovely clean sand, Ann decided that we would walk on a path that runs alongside the estuary.  ...........‘Because we’ve never done it before?!’  The path was extremely muddy?!!  But once we were on the path there was no way off it, because there was thick vegetation/trees/prickly bushes/cliffs OK not cliffs but steep rocks.  So Ann said, ‘Molly, this is horrible but we’ve started, so we’ll finish.  There’s sure to be a route back down to the estuary soon.’  After almost a mile, we ended up where we would have ended up if we’d walked on the nice clean sand??!!

And by this time Ann had slipped over a couple of times so she was even more muddy than me.  Fortunately we didn’t have to go anywhere on the way home.  But it’s taken Ann 15 mins to clean her walking boots and the rest of her clothes are in the washing machine.

As for me…………………  I did lots of swimming in the estuary on the return route, so I was almost as clean at the end of the walk as I was at the beginning.

And just in case anyone is interested?..............................

…………………We’ve walked 10.25 miles today.

Think tomorrow might have to be ‘Flakeout Friday’???

OK - For some reason we can't post an 'extra' photo and also, when we tried to add our location via the map; that just showed a map of the world???  So ho hum - you've not got an extra photo or a map of our location.  Sorry.  Circumstances outwith our control!!!

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