Artificial grass

Today it has been raining and raining and raining so we have nothing very interesting to blip. Unless you want to see a very soggy collie …....................And that's why we're blipping artificial grass.

In the summer we rented out our flat to a lady from Hong Kong for 5 weeks, and on her departure we discovered that she had bought some artificial grass for our balcony. Why would you do that? Who goes on holiday and thinks, 'Oh, I'll just buy some artificial grass for the balcony?'

Anyway, Ann's immediate reaction was more crap for me to get rid of that she would take it all to the tip, but after having researched the price of artificial grass (it's actually quite expensive) she decided to cut it all to size, cover the balcony with it.

…..............So this is what our balcony looks like now. Haven't been out on the balcony for weeks though, so I guess we're going to have to wait until the finer weather to decide whether or not to keep it?!!

What do you think Blippers???

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