Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

Very High

We went in to Darling Harbour today, and the kids chose the playground above all else. I figured that was an ok substitute for the museum (aka "all else"), as the best thing for brain development is, after all, physical activity. ;-) And they were super-happy, which is even more the point. 8)

I took a reasonable number of shots of the kids, some of which are in my Picasa, and a couple of which provide some extra context to this photo. That is, the size of the contraption Miss 6 is climbing, and how high up she is. (Have a look in large here.

Also in that album are some shots of Mstr 5 pretending to have a broken foot (or something), and being a photographer on the train. The other shots of him are going up and coming down the big slide - which he was too ill and scared to do last time we were there. So that pleased me greatly.

Back to Missy: just after I took this shot, she became a bit bothered and stuck, and I had to try to semi-secure my camera around my neck and shoulder, and launch myself up this contraption to get to her, and coach her down. I'm very proud that she didn't actually panic, she didn't need me to help her physically - or even tell her what to do once we started down - and especially that a bit later on she went back and climbed up again. 8)

Anyway, back home, and I went for a run, which was the most fun I've had (by myself, at any rate xP ) in I don't know how long (link included for anyone not bored by my born-again running). xP

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