Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


Okay, I will confess, I'm going with the easy choice for today's blip - and in large part because I know you all love a pretty red bird!  Seriously, who doesn't?  There were three male cardinals flitting around the cherry tree this morning, jostling for position and trying no to make eye contact with each other.  In only a few short months, there will be one male who will "own" the yard here on our stretch of the Lane - and he will vigorously chase any other male who dares to come into his territory.  For now, they are observing a cautious truce.

Snow flurries today, but nothing to be concerned about, and nothing that will put the kabosh on our plans for the weekend.  I'm debating which lens to take to NY - and thinking I might go with the 50mm.  I use it so rarely and it really is a lovely lens.  We'll see.  

Fox sparrows still hanging around and one tree sparrow.  Also had a single grackle at one of the feeders this morning.  And I'm sure that hawk is around somewhere because all the birds are very nervous.  Today's Extra is a wary blue jay.

I'm off for a little primp this afternoon - needing to get my hair trimmed so it's a good excuse for some pampering.  Hubs is preparing dinner tonight, so I'll be celebrating my last night in my 50's like a spoiled princess.   Yay, me!

Cheers, and Happy Friday!


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