RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch

I chose between 1 and 2 pm as my hour for today's birdwatch count  -  read all about it HERE!  The count was quite normal: 5 jackdaws, 1 crow, 1 rook, two male robins, 2 female robins, 4 male blackbirds, 1female blackbird, 2 wood pigeons, BUT surprise, surprise, and the only time since I've lived here - a very large male pheasant with wonderful markings.  He really was large, and naturally I picked up the camera and, still in skippers, went out to get a shot. I couldn't from the window or door because of the bushes obstructing a good view. Of course, he wasn't allowing that and disappeared ino the field beyond. I waited a while but he had disappeared for good, Bu i was almost like he knew it was birdwatch count day and wanted to be included!  this pidgeon was the only bird to keep still enough for a blip!

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