Sleep of the .......

righteous!  It was fairly bright and only spitting with rain this morning so took Little B to the park before it got any worse.  We met the same ex-police dog German Shepherd that he's had run ins with before..... they were alright for a little while but Little B was nervous and in fact he managed to instigate a small fracas by snarling and jumping up at the dog's neck which in turn made her go for him.  Good job he was wearing his coat!  Although this all happened right by our feet I shudder to think what might have happened had they been some distance away.  German Shepherd was soon back on her lead whilst Little B, far from showing any signs of distress was stretched out, tummy to the grass enjoying himself...... I think he needs a bit of doggy school refresher class before he gets himself killed!    He spend another 40 minutes or so with a couple of other terrier types and we came home, bathed him as he was filthy..... the park is very wet in places.   Now he's exhausted and sleeping.  Hope he's suitably docile this evening as I have a friend who doesn't like dogs coming over.

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