Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54

It's Cookie Time!

This is Isabella from Sahuarita, AZ Girl Scout Cadet Troop 36.  She was outside of my local Walgreen's hawking the world famous cookies with her mom, the leader of the troop.
She is adorable, 11 years old and in the sixth grade. A real sweetheart. So polite but direct when people approached the store asking them if the would like to buy any of her cookies.  She didn't even have to ask some people. They walked right up to her.  It's a tradition that the girls set up in this spot every year so people look for the scouts.  Mom told me a different troop would be there every day this week.

I can't help myself when I see these youngsters in the scouts every year.  It brings back so many memories of my childhood that I share some of my  stories of  scouting with them.  I tell them how I wasn't able to begin until I was seven years old and in the 2nd grade and feign surprise that they are able to begin so young now. 

I ask them their stories. This year I learned something new.  There is a step beyond Senior level.  The equivalent of the Eagle Scouting.  It is called Ambassadors , earning a special badge.

Scouting is such a wonderful thing for kids - boys and  girls.  I give so much of the credit to the parents who get these girls involved and stick with them for years. 

I bought three boxes.

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