Gitama's World

By Gitama

A Little Weed..... all I could muster up today.
The day has been so dark and gloomy we have had to leave the lights on for most of it (still muggy ....though not as bad).

Didn't feel inspired to get down to the beach or go anywhere so I trolled the garden and came across this very very tiny weed.........a good contender for Tiny Tuesday or Flower Friday but seeing as its neither it has to stand alone...and stand alone she does.
With my limited macro lens I noticed that the tiny tiny hairs on the stems all had a little droplet of nectar on them....a bit like what I found the other day on the flowering gum...but these were smaller and all of them had a droplet. Another reason to get a good macro...Im in lust for it now.......might have to have a look at what treasures that I am not attached to anymore and do a bit of selling off.

I love this quote by my favorite bloke...something to aspire to

“My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness.”
Dalai Lama XIV

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