Photographic Poeticisms

By TerryRhiannyr


Grey mists fill my mind
Leaves me in wonder
As to why life is so unkind
And whether living is a blunder

A day can go so well
Then unexpected happenings
Can turn it to hell
All through an idiot's blunderings

Family mean the world
No matter life's meanders
Their future being unfurled
Shouldn't be screwed by blunders

Not when it's done by one
Who should be them supporting
Someone to be relied upon
Not to mess up by blundering

Depending on another for support
Is obviously stupid, absurd
For no matter what they did purport
They've messed up! Blundered!

Terry Rhiannyr (Terry Reader)
July, 2012

Really P***ed off today! Don't like to add to the poem but today I need to let off steam and there's nowhere I can do that, no one I can talk to it about so here I am!. At least here it's anonymous.. well to all intents and purpose it is anyway!

Youngest daughter (R) spent 12 months after completing her BSc working to pay for her MA and accomodation/ living expenses that she's now studying.

Exam section went well and passed all easily.

Come to her dissitation - something she'd really looked forward to as it is research that she is really interested in - and the organiser, her supervisor, obviously has never done it before.

His communication skills are non-existent. He tells her to go and research something without really expaining what it is he wants researching and either gives her earache when she asks him for clarification or totally ignores her!

His organisational skills appear to be such that any p***-up in a brewery he organised would be run by Tee-totaller's Incorporated.

To cut a long story short, his cock-ups are putting R's dissitation in jeopardy and she can't find a way past it (him).

I'm worried sick for her!

She's worked so damned hard and to possibly, have all that work thrown away because of someone else's inabilities reduces me to tears!

The only light around is the prospect of a PHD placing that she's applied for that doesn't require the MA. I only hope she gets it!

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