Photographic Poeticisms

By TerryRhiannyr


Bright lit garden
Bright lit rose
Dawn it shines
Dawn it glows
Come the day
Come the light
Away the fears
Away the fright
Look to the sun
Look to the smiles
Away from the shadows
Away from the dark's defiles
Hark to the rushing, unending winds
Hark to the roaring, insatiable sea
Goodbye night-time's fading mist
Goodbye sleep's past reverie
See fresh mind's now awake
See fresh sense now alert
Gone yesterday sorrow
Gone yesterday hurt
Arise now brightly
Arise in cheer
All is well
All clear

Terry Rhiannyr
July, 2012

It seems that all is sorted! R had a meeting this morning and all now fine with the world...

Watch this space :S

Thank you everyone for your words of support yesterday. It was so very much appreciated.

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