Not a Spotty Bag in Sight.

Another indoors day.  CMC prompted me to do an early spring clean in the Shack.  Although it was the curator’s day off (Friday is his toast day) I found the key (under the pan loaf). 

The following notes are folk who don’t need to know any of this.  Record Shak was a given (literally over decades) and still functions.  In fact Clerk Street was once the epicentre of the Scottish vinyl world.  The mundanely named John Smith once had the best collated selection of new vinyl that has ever been assembled in Scotland.  Although there were two branches in Glasgow the Byres Road branch (right next to the subway) was the seat of the Doyen - the venerable Mr Black.  Duck, Son and Pinker.  Well I was away sooth working on a project between Bristol and Brighton.  In the pre-internet days I called the Current Mrs Creel and she said that Hamish had phoned to ask if I’d ever heard of the shop in Bath ?  I’d never even been to Bath.  I excused myself from duties for the day and headed straight for the town and the aforementioned emporium.  A very old fashioned joint that had a closing down sale that very week.  I came out with 37 LPs.  Second Sound still functions in the Stirling Arcade (I think - but my agent will verify this).  Revolver was an esoteric experiment which was part of Bruce millers in Aberdeen.  Now long gone - both the branch and, on a note de nos jours, nearly the City.  Vinyl Villain is as Vinyl Villain does.

CMC’s sister is here for three nights looking a hooses.  Another good reason to be in the Shack.  Now where’s my Dub copy of ‘She taught me how to yodel’ ?

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