Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

The Carnival continues

I thought that today might see far fewer poseurs because the weekend is over and the crowds are subsiding (a little). Today there were more than ever. Some even recognise me now!! I have arrived!! Some are wearing different costumes.

I decided to do some shallow DOF work with my 85mm lens and the main image is one of those. I've had to add extras because the day was so very rich in images.

In the late afternoon we met a group is wonderful costumes. They are all friends of the costume designer. She was there and in 30 years of Carnivale she has designed and produced about 200 costumes.

I'm not a fan of selfies, to put it very mildly, but I love the image I caught of 2 sisters. I neary lost the rest of the group while we exchanged details so I can send the image to them.

The early rain soon stopped and the dull light was perfect for our pictures.

I'm still trying to understand why people wear masks - many and various reasons I'm sure.

PS I forgot that I had an extra especially for Molly the gorgeous collie and for The Shepherdess

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