Museum Day Out

Took the Megabus through to Edinburgh with friend L. today to visit the Scottish National Portrait Gallery, as there were three exhibitions I wanted to see.

The main photo is from the first of those called "The Untitled - Bad Entertainment" and as far as we were concerned, it was certainly that!  Apart from this very clever assembly of face masks, the other exhibits gave a very dystopian view of what it's like to be young today.

We moved on quickly to the main event - the BP Portrait Awards 2015, which was fabulous.  So many wonderful examples of portrait painting, some of which were so finely detailed you could have sworn they were photographs!  Others were very moving in their portrayal of old age or illness and some were just totally mysterious as to their meaning.  Must have been so hard for the judges to choose winners.

The third exhibition was called "Document Scotland - The Ties That Bind" and was a series of photos of Scotland and some of its people, which was supposed to have a connection to the Scottish Referendum, but that point escaped us totally.  We found it a bit hit and miss!

The Museum itself was the biggest star, as the building is fabulous outside and in (see Extra) and we enjoyed lunch in the cafe too.

A quick wander round the shops, including a free coffee and cake in JL, finished the day in Edinburgh off nicely and then it was back on the bus for the trip to Perth to collect our cars.  A great day out and all it had cost us was our lunch.  There are some advantages to being ancient:-)

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