
By Wildwood

Yesterday was a lost day for everything but concentrating on getting home. There was plenty of time however, to think about the joys and challenges of travel.
....Seeing friends in Norway and Scotland
....Mastering the ticket machines on trains,
trams, buses and gondolas (the ski lift kind)
....The goats gathered on a bridge outside
their barn in the village of Undredal in
Norway. Further down the road was a
restaurant where their cheese was made
Into delicious meals.
....How to lock the door (and remembering to
take the keys along) in numerous hotels
and flats
....The well paved, perfectly maintained roads
all over Norway
....The creepy, mesmerizing long tunnels (one
was 25k long)
....How to log onto the Internet/make a phone
call/send an email
....The beautiful town of Bergen nestled in the
hills around the harbor
....The rain
....The lovely Royal Botanical Gardens in
....How to walk down the street (and how to
understand when the green man really
means it!)
....The beautiful grey city of Edinburgh--so
familiar yet so changed since we lived there
years ago
....Did I mention the rain?
....The challenges and the joys which together
renew the soul and recharge the batteries
I am grateful for the continued ability to undertake these trips, renew old friendships, and come home with an enhanced outlook on life.

Because of the time changes and the lost nature of international travel days I decided to pass on posting a blip yesterday. Who needs to look at a picture of check-in lines, security lines, immigration lines or the inside of an airplane?
My blip today is the Buddha in my back garden.

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