Dark day

We started our day off with a leisurely wander around Keswick again, looking at streets and houses and imagining where we might live one day.  We walked up one final street and were about to turn back for 'home' and head out for a drive in the car, when an elderly man came out of a house and asked us to help him - saying that he thought his sister-in-law had just died.  Before we knew it we were on the way into the house and preparing to give CPR.  The man had been on the phone to the emergency services, who were trying to talk him through what to do, so Tim took the phone from him and started checking the lady's breathing, etc.  Thankfully the paramedics arrived just before he was about to start chest compressions.  We stood outside with the man for a while, making sure that he was alright.  He'd called the lady's son, who was on his way, and after a while we thought it was perhaps best that we left them to it.  As a result, we have no idea what happened afterwards - whether she made it or not.

We walked back to our cottage in a bit of a shocked daze and calmed down with a hot drink - then a bit later decided to go for a short walk down by the lake.  Could not stop thinking about the lady, and her son and brother-in-law, but it was good to get out and clear our heads a bit. 

Went out for dinner (Thai) in the evening, and then had a pretty sleepless night.  (Or rather, I did - Tim had dosed up with plenty of beer and dropped off after a while.)

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