beeg puddle

The general snottiness and coughiness I've been brewing all week reached the point where I'd have probably called in sick if it had been a workday today, whereas instead it merely ate into my doing-stuff-with-the-boy abilities and meant that I never got out to see the flood in full spate. though it was still nice to see all the rain. We popped out in the afternoon, with the promise of puddles and diggers persuading the wingpiglet to do some of his own walking. The digger working on the replacement slope for the cycle path on the far side of the links was hiding behind the back of the former General George but there were a few more on the site next to the scrap-heap, where there is also a long embankment which looks more interesting than it probably is as it must be fairly consistent with some former-railway-course. The giant puddles still covering large areas of the links were saved for the way home, just in case any fallings over occurred. Tucking the rainsuit over the boots might stop it looking quite so daft as well as possibly preventing the boots from scooping up water after a quick face-first fall into a relatively shallow puddle-side marsh.

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