.......And she is sick

Sugar woke me at 2:50am to tell me that she had started vomiting.  :(  poor little honey.  She felt miserable.  We got her bed all cleaned up, and laundry going, and Sugar all settle back in bed by 3:15am.  Then I went back to bed with instruction that if she vomited again....to wake me.  Sweet little dear didn't wake me until 6am to tell me that she had been vomiting once an hour, but I could still sleep if I wanted to.  I got up, with her, and started my day of washing my hands no less than 59138461 times.  The Hubby was on the couch with an awful cold as well....but luckily...no vomiting for him.  

I had to run into work for a few hours to prepare some paperwork that was absolutely necessary for Thursday....just in case I got sick as well.  Sugar stayed home with her sick dad...and I hurried up....got my stuff done, and grabbed some stuff for the sick ones, and headed home.  Sugar had stopped vomiting at about 11:45am.  She was so tired, and a fever had appeared.  She took a nice nap with Luna the narwhal.  I washed my hands about 2841694612 more times, and split my time between the sick ones.  They each wanted my attention.  It was a LONG day.

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