Here's Looking at You

Day off from Lent poetry - do wonder how it is to read just an extract of each poem, though I guess if one takes your fancy, you could look it up (or buy the book) - internet here at the house so slow, so please forgive me if I can't comment or respond to comments as much - it's just that each screen change means twiddling my thumbs for a few minutes - and sometimes just not enough time to do that.

M quite ill in the night with terrible headache and throwing up, so today was a bit strange, but he was well enough to preach his sermon this afternoon - the service is at 5pm, and there were 14 of us there - a lot more than last week. Afterwards, we took the pastor and his wife for a Valentine's Day meal in Cabeção - huge laughter exchanging jokes about Sertanejos (NE Brazil) and Alentejanos (which they are) - hilarious how similar the jokes are.

This pastoral scene is just outside the fence surrounding our house - the shepherd comes past with his fifty or so sheep every day and we exchange greetings. The light today felt surreal, as did the weather - about 10 degrees colder than yesterday, gale-force winds that tore branches off trees, heavy rain, and then suddenly, a calm burst of sunshine.

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