Dreamy Day

Lots to do for exhibition, but the sun was shining, and it's Valentine's Day... bought bread and fresh cheese at bakery a few doors away, stopped at Adega for a tintinho and a chat (owner of land says he's working on the documents...), then set off to the jetty, and round to an island (can walk to it atm, as water is low) we'd not been to before.

So beautiful, the ground is carpeted with yellow flowers. Then a white horse started neighing at us - went over to look, it had been hobbled and tethered and had wound the rope round a bush so tightly that it couldn't move. M managed to free it and it ran and jumped about and rolled in the flowers and put his head in M's neck as though to thank him.

Decided to sit in the flowers for the picnic, watching that magical creature and the sparkling water - felt almost like a dream, which is why this is my main Blip, but added a couple of others - the horse with M, and neighing good-bye to us as we left.

Hoping you all felt loved today, or managed to show love to someone else in some way... M is behind me, cutting out the mounts for my photos - that is love! I might make him some dinner to show mine...

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