Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Welcome to Walltown Quarry

It rained nearly all day, but was never torrential and there was no wind, so we had a great walk. We left Haltwhistle and walked west to Walltown Quarry, returning along the Hadrian's Wall Trail to Cawfields Quarry and home via Haltwhistle Burn.

There are a number of new(ish) signs around. On the Wall Trail there are big signs explaining how to deal with the cattle, especially if you have a dog with you. Here at Walltown the Northumberland National Park seems to have excelled in creating a very long list of don'ts. I assume this is all to try to avoid compensation claims. They will be telling us how to put one foot in front of another next. (Rant over.)

Boots have been cleaned, gaiters and trousers are in washer, I've had a shower and put a meal on the table. Time to chill out.

Just noticed that last year's blip is one I particularly enjoyed taking.

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