Moving day

We’re now in Punta prima, Torrevieja. Everything else is okay or livable at least, but there’s no promised internet. There always seems to be something. And what we have learned over the past few months is that in airbnb language international tv means which ever nationality the owner is, that language is the tv. In Coín we had one channel in German. Here we have a set of channels in Russian. I’m not ready to watch their propaganda. We don’t really need the tv, but when there’s no internet, it would be nice to see the news in some understandable language.

As I told my parents have checked in on my son as he’s been sick. We’ll now my dad is sick. He has high fever and was almost admitted to the hospital today. He needs to get his “infection levels” checked tomorrow too. It’s a bad bad bacteria. Niklas is still not doing that much better. High fever and not managing to all keep food down. My mom is still okay and I hope she’s tough enough to fight it off without getting sick. So no internet and most of my immediate family quite sick and far far away.

We drove through the mountains today and it was snowing twice! I have fab pictures in my mobile of the snowy mountains and snow on the side of the road, but as my mac doesn’t talk with my Lumia, and I can’t get them to my cloud service, I can’t use them. It was quite alarming at times when we were up on 1 kilometer over the sea level, driving with summer tires and there’s snow plows on the road and some white stuff starts to fall dawn. Luckily it was snowing for perhaps 5 minutes at the time and the roads were in good condition.

It was quite a storm yesterday and last night in Costa del Sol. The windy storms didn’t calm down until Murcia. It’s still windy, but not stormy. But as it was so windy, the pipe of the log burner didn’t get the smoke out to the world, but back inside the house, so we all smell smoke now. The dogs, our clothes, hair. Washing machine is on. But there’s no place to dry the laundry as there was a huge load of wet linen in the machine when we came. So the first thing I did was to hang them to dry. The property manager was handling this place for the first time and I guess this is how it’s seen. Oh and the linen was white, but there was red kitchen towels in the load. I wonder how the white managed to stay white!

According to yesterday’s forecast it’s going to be a cold week in Spain. Temperatures will be around 14-16°C in Torrevieja area. So not so cold here.  But nights could be lot colder. We’re in an apartment building now, so we don’t need to heat up the whole house. Well there is no heating system, but we can always buy a little electric heater for ourselves. But so far the apartment seems to have a nice inside temperature. We’ll see…

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